Emotional Causes of Physical Illness

Emotional Causes of Physical Illness
Here is some info on Emotional Causes of Physical problems. This is NOT to say that your illness or disease is your **Fault** . Rather this is to empower you to be able to make necessary changes in your life by identifying where wounding occurred and then healing those emotional scars.
NOTE- I have UPDATED this post to Include the chakra most closely connected to each body part, so you know which one to focus on in healing.
Emotional Causes of Physical Problems
Right Side of the Body: Masculine energy. Giving, assertive, extroverted. Bringing ideas in to action. Perceptions of masculinity. Problems may indicate: unresolved resentment with males inability to give, inability or over expression of masculine energy, overexertion in work. Root and Sacral Chakras Refer to specific body parts
Left Side of the Body: Feminine energy. Receiving, passive, intuitive, creative. Reflects relationship with own feminine side and or with females. Problems may indicate: unresolved issues with female, feeling unworthy inability or over expression of feminine energy. Inhibited creative expression or not responding to intuition. Heart Chakra Refer to specific body parts
Top half of Body: Communication, senses, emotions, touching. Assertive, active sociable relationships. Problems may indicate: repressed emotional or creative expression. Refer to specific body parts. Higher Chakras - Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown Refer to specific body parts
Bottom half of Body: Contact with the Earth. Stability, strength, balance, grounding, independence. Problems may indicate: lack of emotional stability, balance or self-support. Refer to other body parts. Lower Chakras: Navel, Root and Hand and Feet Chakras Refer to specific body parts
Ankles: Supporting oneself. Stability, balance, being grounded. Flexibility, progress. Adapting to life's changes. Problems may indicate: Resistance to change, inflexibility, ungrounded, uncertain about ones direction in life.
Feet Chakras - Root

Back: Strength, stability, uprightness and determination in body mind and spirit. Support, self-esteem, responsibility. Problems may indicate: a lack of emotional support or personal strength. Carrying too much responsibility, depending too much on others. Carrying the burden of negative or materialistic thoughts and ideas. Repressed feelings and fears. Lower-back pain may indicate repressed sexuality, anger or financial worries. Root, Navel and Solar Plexus Chakras
Bladder: Signifies emotions and desires. Issues of control. Problems may indicate: trying to control emotions or desires, holding on to old ideas, feeling out of control emotionally. A need for approval, lack of confidence, feeling tired, ineffective. Shyness. Sacral Chakra
Blood: Represents joy and nourishment of life. Vitality. Problems with blood may indicate: lack of enthusiasm toward life, scepticism, and selfishness. Unresolved issues with family. Toxicity can result from negative destructive thinking. Purifying one's thoughts and emotions greatly influences the health of the blood. Root Chakra or Heart Chakra
Bones: Foundation and support of our physical, emotional and mental structure. Strength, power and integrity. Earthly lessons. Problems may indicate: Need to become more stable or grounded, lack of internal strength, rebellion. Lack of integrity, building beliefs upon falsehood. Root and Feet Chakra
Breasts: (female): Nurturing, giving love and mothering. Woman's self image, femininity. Problems may indicate: over-mothering, unwillingness to nurture, frustrated desires related to child-bearing, overly forceful attitudes, feelings of inadequacy as a woman. Feeling misunderstood or not respected. Heart Chakra
Colon: Elimination of the unnecessary. Issues related to control and materiality. Problems may indicate: holding on too tightly to people, material things or the past. Guilt, bitterness, cynicism, doubt, envies. Feeling cut-off, lonely or left out. Repressed rage, fear of rejection, long standing repressed emotions. Financial worries and feelings of scarcity can restrict bowel movements. Root Chakra
Ears: The capacity to hear AND listen. Perceiving the true messages of life. Willingness to hear other's opinions. Problems may indicate: refusal to hear the truth, avoidance of unpleasant issues, refusal to hear other points of view. Lack of enthusiasm, guilt, irresponsibility, emotional repression, unsupportive ness, vindictiveness. Throat and Third Eye Chakras
Eyes: Capacity to se life's issues clearly. Open to the world around us. Eyes are a channel for the heart and soul to find expression. Good sight is the physical counterpart of spiritual perception. Problems may indicate: refusal to see the truth, emotional repression, low self-esteem, feeling abandoned, unsuccessful, overwhelmed, lack of motivation, fear of intimacy, or fear of what's inside of yourself. Throat and Third Eye Chakras
Face: Attitudes about yourself and life. Ego, self-expression and emotional history. Facing yourself and your issues with honesty and integrity. Hiding yourself or feelings cause your face to be a mask of tensions. Problems may indicate: low self-esteem, poor attitude toward self or life, inability to express emotions, preoccupation with ego, unresolved emotional issues from the past. Throat and Third Eye Chakras
Feet: Understanding, balance support, stability, and motivation. Being grounded, the foundation of your body. New experiences. The courage to be your true self. Problems may indicate: Fear of new experiences, out of contact with reality, lack of motivation. Lack of identity, too tired to move forward. Leading others down a dishonest path. Feet Chakras
Fingers: Capacity to grasp life's experiences. Extension of the love of the heart and the creativity of the mind. Represent responsibility and the ability to feel. Thumb: will power, strength, control, the conscious mind. Index Finger: ego, judgement, authority, and ambition. Middle Finger: Balance, religion, philosophy, responsibility. Ring Finger: Relationships, heart, creativity, adaptability. Little Finger: Mental/physical communication and expression, the subconscious mind. Hand Chakras
Genitals: Relationship to sexuality, courage, will power, assertiveness. The Kundalini or serpent force. Spontaneity, ability to give and receive pleasure. Problems may indicate: Misuse or excessive focus on sex, selfishness, greed, deception, lack of affection, repressed emotions stored in pelvic region. Inhibitions or guilt about sex, anger toward partner, fear of "letting go", inability to surrender to passion or pleasure. Sacral and Root Chakras
Glands: Integrate and balance your experiences. Vitality, enthusiasm. Secrete hormones that keep body mind healthy which reflect attitudes toward self and life. Problems may indicate: unbalanced attitudes, lack of vitality or enthusiasm for life, low self-esteem or poor attitude toward self or life. Heart Chakra, Refer to specific body part

Hands/Arms: Capacity to embrace life. Extension of the heart. Communication and creativity. Reaching for goals, taking responsibility. Ability to give and receive. Problems may indicate: Withholding love, feeling incompetent or insecure, avoiding responsibilities, lack of initiative. Feeling overwhelmed, failure to give or receive. Hand Chakras
Head: The way you think about yourself. Decisions, faith, will and intellect. Conscious thinking. Problems may indicate: using intellect to escape from feelings, lack of faith or trust in Divine Love, too wilful or obstinate, overly critical of self or others. What you consciously think and speak affects organs in the head area, throat and jaw. Third Eye and Crown Chakras
Heart: The seat of the true inner self. Centre for deep feeling, nurturing, unconditional love, affection, forgiveness, compassion, and sensitivity. Associated with desires. Problems may indicate: Fear of being hurt, insecurity, broken hearted, putting up barriers, arrogance, insensitivity, and intolerance. Misplaced affections or desires, long-held hurt, bitterness, anger, hostility, rage, stress, anxiety. Feelings of hate, fear, resentment, lack of forgiveness block the flow of vitality in the heart. Heart Chakra
Immune System: Represents strength, vitality and enthusiasm. Issues related to vulnerability. Strong immune system indicates healthy self-esteem and zest for life. Problems in this area may indicate: lack of enthusiasm for life, critical of self or others, negative or destructive thinking, anxiety or stress due to inability to create positive experiences. Low self-esteem. Creating psychological defences causes stress and lowers your immunity. Root and heart Chakra
Joints: Suggest flexibility and ease of movement in body and mind. Adapting to changing circumstances. Problems may indicate: inflexible attitudes and opinions, skeptical of critical, feeling disjointed. Trying to overpower or feeling overpowered by another's will. For specifics, refer to specific joints arms, knees, etc. Refer to specific body parts

Kidneys: Issues related to letting go of that which is unnecessary. Relationships. Extremely sensitive to emotional stress and will reflect tension, anxiety with impaired functioning. Problems may indicate: Indecisiveness, forcefulness, repressed anger, shame. Intolerance or hostility, emotional pain, fear of being alone, obsessive ness. Sacral and Heart
Knees: Flexible attitudes. Progress, grounding, self-support, stability, humility. Adapting to changing experiences. Problems may indicate: need to be more humble or flexible, false change, resistance to change. Feet Chakras
Legs: Progress, strength, power, balance, confidence. Help carry the weight of life's pressures. Problems may indicate: Feeling unable to carry on, lack of confidence, powerlessness, lack of initiative, fear of progress or change.Feet Chakras
Liver: This is the hardest working organ in the body. Related to desires and emotions. Inharmonious emotional conditions. Problems may indicate: suppressed anger, prolonged bitterness, envy, hostility, unhealthy desires, and selfishness. Feelings of despair, hopelessness. Sacral and Solar plexus
Lungs: Associated with the heart and love. Openness, spontaneity, inspiration. Problems may indicate: Low self-esteem, emotional repression, resisting love, and relationship stress. Feeling unappreciated, selfishness, resentment anger, and grief. Lack of inspiration, too much stress or anxiety. Heart Chakra , Solar Plexus
Lymphatic System: Ability to flow with life and release that which is unnecessary. Brings nourishment to cells, tissues and organs. Restriction of emotional energy will restrict lymphatic flow. Problems may indicate: Being uptight, feeling burdened or confused, resistance to change. Unresolved emotional issues. Heart Chakra ,
Mouth/Jaw: Verbal pathway for emotional and spiritual expression. Issues related to nourishing our body and acquiring possessions. New ideas. Problems may indicate: Indulgence in gossip, lying, constant complaining, or negativity in speech. Unexpressed feelings, held back anger or rage, fear of speaking up for self, feelings of loss or poverty, defiance, stubbornness. See also neck and throat. Throat Chakra
Muscles: Ability to move and express desires. Will, power, strength. Problems may indicate: Overbearing or controlling attitudes, lack of will to move forward. See specific parts of the body where muscles are located.
Neck: Pathway for feelings to become words. Flexible attitudes, seeing things from a different perspective. Creative expression. Problems may indicate: unwillingness to acknowledge feelings, unexpressed creativity, lack of communication, too much responsibility. Rigid outlook on life. Throat Chakra
Nose and Nasal or Sinus Issues Problems with your sinuses can represent repressed grief and anger. This is also how to breathe in oxygen so how you connect to the world.Feeling disconnected from Source Holding angry words or feeling unable to express yourself . Represents self-recognition. – Nose Bleeds:A need for recognition. Feeling unnoticed. Crying for love. – Runny Nose: Asking for help. Stuffy Nose: Not recognizing the self-worth Throat Chakra
Pancreas: Capacity to balance life. Giving and receiving love. Uncertainty, worry, mental confusion, anger, hostility, bitterness, resentment can take sweetness out of your life and blood. Problems may indicate abandonment issues, feeling unaccepted, self-pity, sorrow, loneliness, trying to hold on to life too tightly. Sacral Chakra
Shoulders: Responsibility. Self-esteem. Expression of love. Problems may indicate: feeling burdened, carrying the weight of another's demands or expectations. Withholding love. Tension, stress, fear of expression, low self-esteem. Heart and Throat Chakra
Skin: Self image, individuality, sensitivity and feeling. Letting things go. Problems may indicate: anger, fear, anxiety, and lack of fulfillment. Pimples and boils can represent unexpressed anger or emotions or anxiety over yourself and your relationship with the world. Heart Chakra
Stomach: Ability to choose life's experiences. Recognizing what is beneficial, being critical or condemning will affect stomach. Reflects subtle feelings. Problems may indicate: Emotional upsets, worry, fear, anxiety, discontent, and impatience. Feeling you have been treated unjustly. Solar Plexus Chakra
Throat: Centre of creativity and expression. Verbal channel for the expression of the heart and mind. Problems may indicate: Fear of expression, unexpressed creativity, and fear of success or failure. Lack of identity, lying or negative talk. NOTE- Words are energy in motion and resonate throughout the entire body affecting cells, tissues and organs. Throat Chakra
Negative words lower your immunity and may cause illness.
Positive words revitalize cells and regenerate tissues and organs.
Torso: Relates to unconscious feelings. Organs most affected by unconscious attitudes are: Heart, stomach, lungs, kidneys, uterus, intestines, pancreas, bladder, spleen and lower back. Problems may indicate: unexpressed feelings of guilt, resentment or anger. Solar Plexus
Uterus: New and creative ideas. Relationship toward men. Sexuality. Problems may indicate: Holding on to old sexual wounds, feeling unrecognized or misunderstood, repression or guilt regarding sex, fears or anxieties relating to childbearing or motherhood. Issues related to receiving, vulnerability and femininity. Sacral Chakra
Recognizing these correspondences can help you especially during Ascension to find out why you are experiencing certain physical symptoms and know what your blockages are.
Love and many blessings to you all
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