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Twin Flame Relationships

Twin Flame Relationships

These days, many people are Awakening, Ascending and Evolving Spiritually. This means that there are more Twin Flame Relationships than ever before. This is because; your Twin comes to you, when you have done sufficient self-work to be open to the Unconditional Love a Twin Flame can give. This doesn't mean you have no more work to do, however. The Twin Flame Relationship will test you like you've never been tested before. But this is such a Strong and Honest Connection, you will, no doubt, grow in immeasurable ways.

Having said that, there tends to be a lot of confusion about what a Twin flame Relationship is. Many people confuse Twin Flames with Soul Mate connections. This is natural, as they are alike in many ways. However, Unlike Soul Mates which are karmic connections and part of our spiritual family, Twin Flames are our perfect mirrors. They are Soul Mates and then some. While each one of us has many Soul Mates during the course of our lives, we have only One Twin Flame.

Twin flames, also called twin souls, are literally the other half of your soul. We each have only one twin, two beings that came from the same soul, but split. After being split, the two halves went their separate ways, for lifetimes upon lifetimes. They gathered as much human experience as they could before finally reincarnating in their last human existence on Earth, the lifetime in which they will be reunited.

This reunion happens in both of their last lifetimes on this planet so they can ascend together. For this reason, you may not have had very many lifetimes with your Twin, although you may have been searching for him for aeons.

It is important to remember that each twin is a complete soul, not half a soul. It is their task to become more whole, balancing their female and male sides, learning unconditional love for self and all beings and hence become enlightened, before and as a result of reunion with their twin. This reunion is of two complete and whole beings. Every other relationship throughout all of your lives is like dress rehearsal for this reunion.

Relationships with Twin Flames are ripe with lessons and growth and as such tend to be on-again-off-again, as both twins discover the lessons their Souls need in this Life time. As well, they are intensely passionate, and sometimes intensely painful.

The lessons learned within these relationships are invaluable to the evolution of your Souls. So do the work on yourself as it comes up. The more work you do, the more blockages you erase and challenges you power through, the easier it will be to attract your twin!

​ If you think you’ve found your twin Flame, read this check list below!

~ When you are with your TF, you feel a love like none you have ever experienced

Looking at your TF is like looking in a mirror -- the resemblance is uncanny!

There is a familiarity that is undeniable

You instantly feel you know your TF

He is the perfect Mirror of you, your perfect counterpart. What you lack, he possesses, in perfect balance

You may have met in dreams prior to meeting in real life

You may feel as close as siblings

You finally feel complete. Your heart is certain this is your other half

There is an intense pulling feeling deep inside your chest that can only be described as a Soul-Deep longing.

When together you experience being in love all of the time and waves of bliss run through your body

Your heart pours pure unconditional love to your TF. Your Twin becomes the most important thing to you.

Although each case is different and unique, there are certain ‘stages’ that most Twin Flame couple go through in the cycle of the relationship. Now, some phases can be quick or drawn out depending on the level of karma and lessons that need to be worked out between the couple and individually. Also, I’m sad to say, it is possible to get stuck in one phase for this life and be unable to move through to Re-Union. So keep your eyes open for behaviours that fit the following descriptions as they will be karma playing out.

Stage One – Yearning for Your Twin. It’s a Soul deep longing, you can feel it in your chest. A knowing that there is ‘someone out there’ for you.

Stage Two – Glimpsing Your Twin Usually happens in dreams. For me, I first met mine when I was a child. He hadn’t been born quite yet, but was my “Imaginary Friend” on the playground after kindergarten each day.

Stage Three – Falling in Love. This is similar to falling in love with any other relationship, but with added intensity, especially physical and sexual intimacy

Stage Four – The Fairy-Tale Relationship No description is necessary. Much like the Honeymoon phase in any relationship. Everything is love-ly

Stage Five –Turmoil and Purging. This is where issues come up that you need to face and work through. This can be painful, overwhelming and scary

Stage Six – The Runner and Chaser Following the turmoil form Stage Five, many twins break up. Often this happens repeatedly.

Stage Seven – Surrender This is when we’ve realized that this relationship is here to teach us and show us the patterns, ideas and behaviours that do not serve are highest good and need to be released. We release all that no longer serves us.

Stage Eight – Oneness Unification, or re-unification

Keep in mind that in a Twin flame relationship we are meant to do our own self work. We are shown our hurdles, shortcomings and lack so that we may work on healing these parts of self. It's a Catch-22, but we need to know that we can survive without our twin and that we are strong enough to be on our own, before we are able to fully and truly accept this connection into our lives.

If any of this sounds familiar, and you'd like to know for certain if you've found your Twin Flame, you can book a Twin Flame Reading here:

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